Eight Steps to Sell Property


3. Prepare to Show

Remember the last time you purchased a home? How important it was that the property looked neat and organized as you drove up the driveway? That the lawn was mowed, that the paved driveway was swept, that the flower beds were well tended, that there was no "stuff" visible in plain sight?

If you didn't notice those things – it is because everything looked "right". It is only when the property is messy – inside or out – that a prospective buyer notices. What that means to a prospective buyer is – "this owner doesn't take care of his property" and they wonder what is wrong that they can't see?

Your Signature Properties of New England Realtor will help you understand the "show ability" of your property. What to clean up – what to store – what to repair or replace that will make your property the most attractive to buyers. The first impression is the most important!

Most Signature Properties of New England Realtors will want to install a "key box" at your property. The key box holds the entry key, allowing Realtors to show your property without having to chase down the key. Your permission will always be sought prior to your property being shown. It is helpful if you are NOT present when your property is being viewed by a buyer.